About DCVC
PHOTO: Board of Directors Photo by Tony Sidharta, Illustrative Depictions.
First Row from left to right: Amy O’Keefe, Secretary; Raymond Holder, Treasurer; Chris Martin, President, Army (Retired); Paul Bastaich, Vice President, Air Force (Retired); Heather Ball, Associate. Second Row from left to right: Frenchy Rheault Air Force (Retired); John Czapko, Army; Donald Phillips, Navy (Retired); Stephanie Askew; Michael Mooney, Navy; Dennis Aaron, Army (Retired).
Denton County Veterans Coalition Board of Directors

DCVC exists to honor the nation’s commitment to Veterans and their families by leading collaboration among all Veteran organization and community resources making Denton County a national model for a comprehensive and integrated system of Veteran services.
Serving Veterans ★ Honoring Heroes
Building a Collaborative Support Network for Veteran Services

PHOTO: Dawn Cobb, Director of Community Relations, Denton County
DCVC’s Mission
The Denton County Veterans Coalition serves as an advocate for Veterans and their families and facilitates collaboration among Veterans organizations and community resources to resolve individual and collective Veterans issues. The DCVC advocates for the expansion of Veterans-oriented resources and programs in Denton County to serve our Veterans and their families.
Thank you

PHOTO: Dawn Cobb, Director of Community Relations, Denton County
To our Veterans and Gold Star Families who paid the ultimate price and sacrificed a loved one, it is with Great Respect and Gratitude that we honor those Heroes.
Thank you Veterans for Serving our Country and Defending our Freedom.
Denton County Veterans Coalition Board of Directors and Citizens of our County