North Texas Giving Day is September 21, 2023
Please Donate to the Denton County Veterans Coalition.
Serving Veterans ★ Honoring Heroes
The DCVC advocates for Veterans primarily in three areas:
• Emergency financial assistance to Veterans in crisis
• Eliminating Veteran homelessness in the County
• Expanding behavioral health care for Veterans
The DCVC relies on donations to support our Veterans. The majority of our funds (over 95%) go directly to help Veterans or Veteran programs. Please help us help Veterans by donating to the DCVC on NTX Giving Day. Go to our Donation page to make your donation. We thank you in advance.
The Denton County Veterans Coalition (DCVC) is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to the welfare of Veterans in Denton County. We are a 10-member all-volunteer board and have no paid staff.